Ad Affiliates

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Key Points:

Option #1:

  • We pay 2% commissions on sales your ad video makes after the trial period.
  • We (Gironi) may spend up to $10,000 per day in ad spend per ad video.
  • This could generate $600 - $1,400 per day in commissions based on 3x to 7x return on ad spend.
  • You need to order a product from our store and create a video highlighting the product.
  • Post the video to YouTube and send us the link.
  • After review, we may choose to run your video in "test mode" at a low ad spend for up to a month.
  • Based on the real-world performance review, your ad will either pass or fail the test.
  • If your ad passes the test, we will reach out to you and ask you to sign on as an affiliate.

Option #2:

  • You purchase products, make videos, and promote on your own site / blog / vlog.
  • We pay 20% commissions on any sales you make.
  • You must have a following of at least 10,000 to be eligible for this method.

Option #1 Full Rules, Terms, and Conditions

The ad affiliate offer is open to all content creators. For those under the age of 18, you also require the consent of a parent or guardian.

How to Apply

First, browse our store and purchase an item you would like to keep and use. When it arrives, you should consider recording an unboxing video. More importantly, you need to record a "user generated content" style video showing your excitement about receiving and using the product. We have tips for you below which will enhance your likelihood of producing a video with a high sales conversion rate. Post your video to YouTube in the highest resolution format you can. Send a link to your video via email to, along with your name, age, and your order number for the product included in the video. If you are under the age of 18, you must also send a photo of yourself standing next to your parent or guardian with your parent or guardian holding a signed and dated hand-written note authorizing you to participate as an ad-affiliate, along with their government issued photo ID. The note and ID must be readable.

Content Ownership

By submitting the video to us, you are expressly granting Gironi, and by extension Gable Digital Solutions, Inc, a world-wide, royalty free, unlimited, irrevocable, and permanent commercial license to use, modify, display (in private or public), distribute, create derivative works of, and profit from the use of your video. This applies regardless of whether you become an active ad affiliate. You will retain ownership right to the video and may use it for any other purpose you choose, but you may not license it to any other entity. If you attempt to license it to another entity, you will be disqualified from our ad affiliate program permanently and will lose entitlement to any pending commissions which may be due.

Review Process

Once we receive the video, we will review it to ensure it complies with our expectations for decency and appropriateness to run as an ad for our brand. We will also analyze the video for specific features, including but not limited to whether the product itself is accurately and appropriately portrayed and is a highlight of the video. We also generally prefer to see happy, smiling, excited faces and attitude in the portrayal of the product -- though we do grant exceptions to this based on context. The video should look like a genuine "user generated content" video, not like a professionally choreographed and curated ad piece. In addition, the video must not misstate facts, features, or other aspects about the product. It must not make promises about specific outcomes which are not guaranteed. It is permissible to depict desired or exaggerated outcomes someone might hope to get from the product, assuming those depictions are reasonable and/or innocent in nature and would not normally be expected to produce harm.

Once we verify all the basic qualifications to run the video as an ad, we will either accept the submission and move on to the test period, or reject the submission with some feedback. You may re-submit one time only for a given product.

Test Period

When we first start testing your video, we will apply a $5 - $20 per day ad spend budget, depending on how likely we believe your video will be to generate sales. If your video starts to convert to sales at a profitable conversion rate, we will increase the ad spend throughout the test period to determine the scaling threshold of your video and the conversion rate response to scaling. We may also produce variations to your video and test those variations. If your video hits certain conversion rate and profitability targets, we may opt to end the test period early and reach out to you to bring you on as an affiliate. If your video generates sales but fails to produce a profit over a 30 day trial, the test period will conclude as "failed" and you will be notified that your video was not accepted. If the video fails to generate any sales in one week of running, the test period will end early and you will be notified that the video failed the test.

Even if your video generates a profit during the test period, it still may under-perform other videos for the same product. We will generally keep the top 5 - 10 converting videos in rotation for any given product. If you submit a video for a product for which we do not yet have 10 other videos and your video generates a profit, we will keep it in the rotation by default. If you are not in the top 10 videos, your video will still receive a "failed" status on the test, even if it can generate a profit.

During the test period, no commissions will be paid on sales generated from your video. 

Becoming an Affiliate

If your video passes the real-world test, we will send you an affiliate contract to review and sign. Those under the age of 18 must have this signed by a parent or guardian in the presence of a notary public. Upon execution of the contract, you will be officially recognized as an ad affiliate of Gironi and will be entitled to collect 2% of all new sales your video generates, less any returns or refunds.

Affiliate Payouts

Because of our 30 day return window, sales are not considered finalized until 45 days after they occur. As an affiliate, you will not be owed commissions on sales until they become finalized. We will issue payouts on or around the 1st of each month, depending on weekends and holidays. Payouts will include only what is due for finalized sales up to a seven to ten day cut-off period prior to issuing the payout. The payout receipt will clearly indicate which sales dates are included in the payout amount.

Other Affiliate Benefits

As an affiliate, you will receive a 30% discount on all future purchases from our shop. Your future ad videos will receive priority review and testing. Additionally, we may offer you the option to create additional paid ad content for our clients.

Tips for Improving Conversion Rates

  • People do not like to be told what to think or believe. Try not to do that in your video. Instead of telling people what they should think or believe, talk about what you think and what you believe and how the product makes you feel. Your personal experience is incontestable.
  • People prefer to be shown, not told. So whenever possible, show proof; don't describe proof. Example: "A young lady puts on a newly acquired Gironi dress and walks down the hallway at school secretly recording in selfie-mode with her phone to capture the heads of all the guys as they turn to stare after her as she walks. She slowly smiles at the camera knowingly, because she can see it happening on her phone; then winks at the audience as if sharing a secret with them. Prior to this scene, she told the audience how excited she was about her new dress and was going to put it to the ultimate test." That's how you show, instead of telling.
  • People buy things primarily because they have some specific need to fill or a desirable outcome they would like to achieve. Your video should focus on depicting how the product fills those needs and/or desirable outcomes.
  • In general, people are more receptive to (and quicker to buy based on) happy, smiling faces than to serious, distressed, angry, or unhappy faces. The same can be said about positive energy and excitement vs dull, low-energy situations.
  • People are more likely to buy something highlighted by someone they have an emotional rapport with. If you can reach them on the same "emotional wavelength" and you are sincere, honest, and open they are more likely to buy.
  • The less like a sales video and the more like a user generated content post your video appears, the more likely they are to respond positively to it, including watching it and buying the highlighted product.